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Donate to our Learning Program
Thank you all for joining us for this awesome week!

Rabbi Serebrowski  and Nosson Goldstein have worked tirelessly on an incentive Halacha and Shnayim Mikroh learning program lzchus refuah shlema Mordechai Ezriel Ben Esther for our weekaways. 

Learning in the summer can be hard for a boy and we want to really show the sweetness and joy of learning that sometimes can get lost during a long school year.

All money donated will go straight towards incentives and prizes to help motivate our boys to shteig and have a love for learning.

Thank you for joining us and Tizku Lmitzvos!
The Program


One Hour Of Shabbos Learning

All Weekday Sedarim

All Shabbos Sedarim

Name Of Program And Sedarim

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